Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First Post!

Alright guys sorry it took so long for me to get this up and going but I made it safely to Australia! And I finally found somewhere that I can use the internet and not have to pay for it. But there is so much that I have to update you all on. For those of you who don't know, I'm here with my dad right now but he's only here for a week or so, so whenever I say "we," I', referring to my day and I. Anyway, the flight across the Pacific kinda sucked but it helped that they had movies on movies on the airplane so that made it go by pretty quickly (or at least as quickly as a 15 hour flight can be). But then we landed in Sydney. And I knew right away that I was going to love it here. Everything here is awesome, and right when we got off the plane we headed toward the beaches. Driving along side of Bondi and Coogee beaches was amazingly picturesque, and then driving into Sydney we were taken aback by the skyline. Obviously, like the tourists we are, we made a beeline for the Opera House and the Harbor Brigde and got some quality pictures there. Unfortunately I forgot the cord to my computer for my camera so until I get that I can't upload any of my pictures. After that, we took a walk around Sydney and really took in the city. The closest thing I can equate it to is a city like San Francisco or like a really really really big version of the shopping area of M Street in Georgetown. While walking around, it was really great to see a lot of American stores and shops. There are 7-11's, McDonald's, and even Westfield malls all over the place here (we even saw a three story Apple store). And while there was so much more we wanted to do, we checked into our hotel and tried taking a nap but ended up falling asleep for the night at the very late hour of 3 pm. This morning was more for the important things, I set up an Australian phone number (6145 674 560 for any of you who want to call me), a bank accout, and I have a mailing address! If anyone wants to send me a letter or package (I'm talking to you specifically here, Mom), my address is: Stephen Mooers, #19069
c/o Traveller's Contact Point, Level 7, Dymock's Building
428 George St. Sydney NSW 2000

Alright well that's pretty much it! I'm trying to work out BBM, Facebook, and Twitter still working on my phone so until I figure that out my only way to talk to anyone will be during the limited time I would be able to use the internet because pretty much evrerywhere it costs money.

If any of you have any questions just post a reply to this and I'll do my best to respond to it as quickly as possible, or just email or Facebook me.

I'll do my best to update this every other day so stay tuned to future updates!

Until then,


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