Monday, November 14, 2011

Way too long overdue

Alright so I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update this. Idk what happened really, I just forgot to update it and then it was always on my mind to do but I never got around to it. And again, I'm sorry I didn't update it because for a lot of you this is really your only way of following my travels and knowing what I'm up to. So for that I am also sorry again.

Well anyway, its been like five weeks since I last posted so I'm gonna try and give you guys the abridged version of what I've done without leaving anything out. When I last posted, I was in Newcastle telling you all about soccer and whatnot. Well, after that I did a week long Australia introduction week that was basically a week tour around Sydney. It was with a group and we did all the touristy things in downtown Sydney but then also did a Sydney Harbor boat tour and a one day surf lesson, which changed everything. After that lesson I signed up for a five day surf trip from Sydney to Byron Bay that stopped at a couple of places on the way. That Wednesday and Thursday we stopped at this place called Spot X, which is basically like a vacation campground for surfing that feels like a resort. And when I got there, I didn't want to leave. So after we got to Byron Bay, I went to the main office of the company that did the trip and signed up for a four week surf camp. And everything was going really well too; getting up and surfing early every morning and then going back out in the afternoon and then just chilling and drinking almost every night. I was living the life... until I unfortunately broke my rib. Which was probably the worst possible injury I could have gotten as far as surfing goes. So that ended my outstanding, however short, surf career.

Demoralized because I could no longer surf, I headed up the coast a little to the Gold Coast. I was there for a week and stayed with one of my friends from Miami who just finished doing a semester over here at Griffith University. While staying with her, I got to see what Australian college life is like and it's basically like living at a resort full of college students. The only catch obviously is the fact that you have to go to class, but that seems to be the last of everyone's concerns. Anyway, after a week in Gold Coast I came back to Sydney and have been here for four days now. My plan from here on out is to find a place to live and then get a job and stay in Sydney for a few months and then see what I want to do from there.

Well that's about it from me! And as far as posting in the future goes, I probably won't be updating the blog every other day like I said I originally would. But expect two posts per week at the least, probably more if there's a lot going on.